About Us
The world-famous Doon International School has been
setup by Doon international Educational Society. The
School which is benchmark, against the leading schools of
the country_ aims to carry forward the legacy of quality
education, in a world-class, pollution-free environment
where the future generations of tomorrow cah be prepared
and equipped with all the requisite shills, necessary for the
children to become capable, genius and responsible world
citizens. Doon International School is also world-famous
for its high-tech classrooms.
Today schooling is not limited to texts alone but our vision is to
create educated
human beings. The
ultimate goal of Doon
International School is
to develop civilized,
social, literate and
successful citizen of
the future.
Doon School is a Place Involving Learning With Joy.
Combining Knowledge and Practical Lessons of Life For an Enriched Tommorow.